Micro Pile Casing

Micropiles are applicable when there are problems with using conventional deep foundation systems. These problem conditions include: obstructions, adjacent structures, limited access job sites, and other shaky areas like caves, sinkholes, underground rivers.

For example, micropiles are commonly the preferred foundation choice in the challenging areas that feature nearby buildings and difficult access.


The unique characteristics of micropile offers advantages when other deep foundation systems are not applicable include:

– Limited access situations due to size of equipment
– Environmentally sensitive projects because they create relatively little disturbance to the surrounding area
– Seismic Retrofit
– Arresting Structural Settlement
– Resisting Uplift/Dynamic Loads
– Underpinning
– Reticulated Pile Wall

Installation techniques vary depending on the load bearing specifications of the project. The selection of the installation technique depends largely on soil conditions and load transfer requirements.

Common Uses of Micropiles

– To replace deteriorating foundation systems
– To provide extra support for structures during renovation
– To provide pile foundations where access, geology or environment prevent the use of other methods
– To support structures affected by adjacent excavation, tunneling or de-watering activities
– To provide a fast, effective alternative to more traditional underpinning methods

Benefits of Micropiles

Can be installed through most ground condition, obstruction and foundation at any incline.
Ensure minimum vibration or other damage to foundation and subsoil.
Can be installed in as little headroom as 6′ and close to existing walls.
Depending on situation, could actually allow facility operations to be maintained during construction.
Simple and economical connection to existing and new structures.
Can be preloaded to working load before connecting to particularly sensitive structures.


Micropiles, also called mini piles, are often used for underpinning. They are also used to create foundations for a variety of project types, including highway, bridge and transmission tower projects. They are especially useful at sites with difficult or restricted access, or with environmental sensitivity. Micropiles are typically steel pipe with diameters 8-5/8″,9-5/8″,13-5/8” diameter and larger with usually several wall sizes for each diameter. Pipe can be plain ends or threaded sections. Various grades and strengths of steel are available. Pipe can be prime mill certified, new mill secondary, or used. Installation of micropiles through soil, sand, gravel and cobbles and rock can be achieved via many methods including Rotary drilling, impact driving, jacking, and vibrating.

Available size

PIPE CASING 8-5/8” X0.472″ Regular Right Hand Micropile Thread 

Starter 10′

Male X Female 5′, 10′, 15′

PIPE CASING 9-5/8″ X 0.545″ wall Regular Right Hand Micropile Thread 

Starter 10′, 20′

Male X Female 5′, 10′

PIPE CASING 9-5/8″ X 0.545″ wall Left Hand & Right Hand BOX Thread

Starter 10′

Male X Female 5′, 10′

PIPE CASING RAW 20″ X .545″ Wall available length 40′

Sub Saver & Crossover

SUB SAVER 9-5/8″ X.545″ X 6″ RH Micropile Thread

SUB SAVER 9-5/8″ X.545″ X 6″ LH BOX Thread

SUB SAVER 13-3/8″ X.545″ X 6″ RH Micropile Thread

SUB SAVER 9-5/8″ X .545″ X 12″ “F” BOX – “M” Micropile Thread RH

CROSSOVER 13-3/8″ “M” X 9-5/8″ “F” Micropile Thread RH

CROSSOVER 13-3/8″ “M” X 9-5/8″ “F” BOX Thread LH

Sub Saver


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